
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tom Cruise's Alien Baby Pics On The Way

Is Katie Holmes losing sleep over Suri Cruise pictures? The world will learn just how hideous her alien baby is.
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The first pictures of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby daughter will be published tomorrow - four months after her birth.
The move will dispel months of speculation that Suri Cruise does not exist.

The exclusive photos reportedly show baby Suri nestled against Tom's neck as he sleeps. Another is said to show Suri sleeping on the couple's bed, with Katie grinning at the camera.



  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Can't wait for the pics!

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Katie looks like shit. She needs to booze up after living with that psycho.

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Suri pics are on the way! It's only taken almost half a year.
