
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ashlee Simpson Is Conceited

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Now that bitch got a nose job and supposedly a new chin and lip implants, she's wasting no time upgrading. Us reports:
Ashlee Simpson, turned heads on September 2 at the NYC bar Don Hill’s, as she snuggled and kissed a cute guy in the hot spot’s VIP section.

He wasn’t Ashlee's boyfriend of nearly a year, Braxton Olita; it was Fall Out Boy’s Pete Wentz. Indeed, Simpson’s rep says Simpson and Braxton “broke up about a week ago. They have decided to take a break.”

A source and adds that Wentz recently dumped girlfriend Michelle Trachtenberg in order to be with Simpson.
Ashlee is a skank, always was. If Ash and Pete hook up, they'll split in like a month. I'm more interested in what surgery Ash will get done next, then who she'll start screwing after that.

Us magazine


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    She needs ass implants.

  2. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Ashlee's Dlist now, she needs to sleep her way to the top.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Ashlee really likes musicians.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Michelle for Ashley? What was that guy thinking? Well, now he's screwed.
