
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Beyonce L'Oreal Ad, Bleached Beyonce Skin Pics

“Beyoncé Knowles has been a spokesperson for the L’Oréal Paris brand since 2001. We highly value our relationship with Ms. Knowles. It is categorically untrue that L’Oréal Paris altered Ms. Knowles’ features or skin-tone in the campaign for Feria’s hair color.”

Damage control! I worked for a magazine and I'd sit there and watch the art director Photoshop and airbrush the hell out of the models in our spreads. Bullshit!

And, let's just say L'Oreal didn't lighten Beyonce's skin, they made sure she was under some intense lighting! And they overexposed the image. In summary: Beyonce's much darker, L'Oreal knows it and that's why they made her look diff. That's categorically the truf! If B can't get outta her contract, she better speak up and make sure they don't do this again. I don't expect anything less from the Knowles camp.

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