
Monday, September 25, 2006

Britney Spears' Nutritious Breast Milk

Britney Spears, has been the subject of many desperate to be skinny tales over the past week.

Last week, NW magazine reported that Brit requested a tummy tuck surgery be scheduled after giving birth on September 12th.

Australia's NW magazine is reporting that Britney has been living on wine, cigarettes and diet pills says pal..

Sources fear for Britney, who is rumored to be also breast feeding her new born. The stress of having babies is probably not a good idea on a wine, cigarettes and diet pills filled stomach.
Throw in the rest of Brit's daily diet: 3 extra large bags of Cheetos, four cans of red bull and two gallons of semen and you'll see why there's reason for concern. She's country y'all, but is this mother of the year too lazy to send her maid out to buy some formula?
