
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ciara Stop Lying

Here's a few pics of Ciara at the Step Up Monday night:
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I don't have Ciara's birth certificate in my hand, but somehow I wouldn't gasp if I found out that the "singer" is not 20 years old. Ciara and her reps claim she's 20, but I would like someone to explain why she looks older than my 28 year old cousin?! I understand that some lying may have taken place in efforts to add hype to her "talent," but shaving off like 10 years to make this woman stand out? She looks near 30. Maybe it's the black hair that I'm not used to seeing on her, but I'm convinced this girl, (woman) is a poser. 20, my ass.

1 comment:

  1. wow look at those claves. they're a little too muscular!
