
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lindsey Evans Arrest, Lindsey Evans Loses Crown Over Marijuana

Lindsey Evans is a dumb blonde who's proud of her mishaps. After leaving marijuana in her purse at a restaurant, Lindsey has lost her Miss Teen Louisiana crown - justifiably so!
When contestant bitches are coke whore sluts, lesbians on camera or walk out on paying their restaurant tab while stashing marijuana in their purse, suddenly, I'm interested!

Miss Teen Louisiana has lost her crown following an arrest for marijuana possession and leaving a restaurant without paying.
Lindsey Evans, 18, and three pals skipped out on a $46.07 bill at Bossier City, Louisiana's Posados Cafe on Saturday.

A manager identified the beauty queen as the culprit because she left her purse at the table. Police also found 2 grams of suspected marijuana inside the handbag.
When Evans returned to the scene to pick up her purse, police recognized her from her drivers license photo. The group of four were booked on theft charges, three on drug charges and two on drug paraphernalia charges.
RPM Productions, Inc., the company that sponsors the beauty pageant, took back the title Tuesday evening after hearing of the winner's weekend arrest. Evans will have to return her sash and crown.

"I am only human," Evans told TMZ.com following the incident. The teen told the site she paid her portion of the restaurant bill with a "nice, crisp 20."
A new Miss Teen Louisiana will be chosen Nov. 1 at a pageant in Lafayette, Louisiana.


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