
Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin Needs to Stay in Alaska Freezing Her Nipples Off

I thought I'd talk about Sarah Palin. She does not believe in abortion even in cases of rape or incest. Sarah believes in praying for pipelines, taking "the gay out" of folks with prayer and she never sold shit on eBay like her and McCain kept bragging about. Although she's an anti-feminist witch, she is likable. It pains me to say that, but as I watched her speech. I hated her, but, I liked her too.

Unfortunately women are supporting Sarah because she's a female.
A new ABC poll shows white women shifting twenty points towards McCain/Palin. They look at Sarah Palin and see a sister.

Women may love Sarah Palin, but she doesn't love them back. What could be more shocking than the fact that Sarah Palin proudly said that if her own daughter was raped, she would force her to carry the fetus to term? If you were raped in Sarah Palin's Wasilla, you would have to pay for the cost of the rape kit.
A lot of sexism is coming to the surface with Palin on the Republican ticket. Because Sarah's a mother critics say she can not hold the VP position because she has a family to raise. Since when has this question been raised to any father who works in any position? Never.

People are also focusing on the woman's looks instead of her views and lack of experience. Case in point, from cracked.com,
Still, one issue has been tragically absent from all of these articles, so I’m gonna go ahead and say what everyone else is thinking: I want to see Sarah Palin naked. Without any of her clothes on.
Obama can't say anything about her without having hell to pay. I love that Barack Obama said,
"You can put lipstick on a pig ... it's still a pig."
People claim it's sexist for him to say that you can't put lipstick on a pig. Sarah said she's like a pit bull first, what's the difference?!

Is this election really about the issues, or is it about personality and the feeling of trusting someone who feels familiar?

Sarah doesn't have a unique look. I think I ran into four Sarah look alikes last night, and she doesn't have a unique story - mother of five. McCain's strategy is working because Sarah's likable, which makes people forget about her stance on important issues and wanna curl up on a couch and watch Sex and the City reruns with her instead. We trust her. McCain's strategy of introducing a relatable female mother-next-door to the world is working. It will be interesting to watch what happens in the debates and at the polls. Scary.

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