
Friday, September 19, 2008

Paris Hilton Reveals Business Plans, Aspirations for 20 Years From Now

Bow down, bitches! The heiress is actually brilliant. Her baby voice and dumb-blonde image is only a gimmick. It works flawlessly, but you can't be successful if you're mentally challenged, and this woman is one of the most ambitious celebrities around.

She's got fame and business all figured out. I am so impressed right now. What going on with me? First I cried over Jessica Simpson, now I'm into Paris for a moment? I may be losing my ability to be a gossip blogger. Hating is mandatory.

Paris says she works hard, plans out her dreams and knows where she's headed. That's more than many people without any money can say, let alone an heiress. Luvs it! :) Paris talked to Reuters about the misconception that she doesn't work.
"I am literally running a huge corporation. I have my clothing lines, my champagne, my watches, shoes and purses and dog clothes -- every sort of product you can imagine. I am doing movies. I am doing my record right now, producing, starring in a TV show. So it is a 24 hour, seven day-a-week job. I work all the time, so I laugh when I hear people say that."

To get through her day, she says the first thing she does in the morning is "think about what I dreamed. I write down my dreams. I feel it is your subconscious talking to you. Then I think of my schedule which is going to be so hectic."

"I like doing things myself, like going to the market or shopping. Some celebrities become famous and they forget who they are or where they came from and hide out like some recluse. I'm not going to do that."

Where does she see herself in 20 years?
"I'll probably be a mom with a couple of kids. I'd love to have a big family. Running my business and not traveling so much. I'll be in a lot of real estate businesses and hotels then. I'll be running my business from home."

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