
Friday, September 12, 2008

New York Goes To Hollywood Should Be Cancelled

New York Goes to Hollywood is entertaining, but at whose expense? New York has polarized herself. No one will ever like or respect her! She is trash. An ugly transvestite with an attitude from the devil himself.

When In Touch went to the Hollywood estate of reality star New York (aka Tiffany Pollard), a film crew from her VH1 show New York Goes to Hollywood was there to capture the magic. See below for a sneak peek of Monday's episode featuring In Touch.
New York is looking trannylicious! I'm lovin' her basketball tits. They spare us all from having to spend any time looking at her face.

New York used to be attractive. I miss the ho from the first season of Flavor of Love.

Here's a video of New York finding out In Touch magazine wants to do a spread. In her signature drama queen style, she flips out on her assistant.

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