
Friday, September 19, 2008

Eva Mendes Has a Patriotic Vagina, Sex In All 50 States

Why didn't I think of this before?!! This should definitely be on the '100 things you must do before you die' list. :)

Eva Mendes was at the Patricia Field launch party when she let everyone know the best and worst states to make sex in.

She said,
“I’ve had sex in all 50 states."

When pressed for details, Mendes assured reporters her 50 state feat was not with 50 different men.

“A lot of it was on a road trip I took when I was younger,” Mendes said, going on to note the best sex took place in Arizona and Colorado. “maybe it was the clear air, or the quiet, or the endless sky,” she noted, “whatever it was, it was really, really good.” And according to Mendes, the worst sex she had was in Alaska.
“I’d really like a do-over on that state,” Mendes said, before suggesting publicists at Alaska Air “sponsor a trip for me there for that purpose.”

I officially have a girl crush on Eva. Luv her personality, she's so fun.


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