
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Michael Lohan visits Lindsay Lohan In Rehab


Lindsay Lohan and her mother, Dina, have decided to allow Michael Lohan to visit his eldest daughter at her Utah rehab.

"It was actually her older brother, Michael's, idea. It's a part of the healing process," a friend said. "Lindsay will see him later this week, but she will have counselors with her. It will not be alone."

Michael hasn't seen Lindsay in years due to his abusive temper and violent behavior. In order for him to be allowed to visit, Dina - who has a restraining order out against Michael - had to get it lifted.

"Dina thinks it is a good idea," the friend said. "Lindsay needs to deal with this and needs closure." Michael has said he's been sober and found God since leaving jail earlier this summer. A rep for the Lohans said, "Yes, he will be seeing his daughter."


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