
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Clay Aiken Sucks

And his Claymates suck more. They didn't support him enough.

"Idol: The Musical," billed as a satirical look at a troupe of Clay-mates from Ohio, opened two days ago at the 45th Street Theater, and promptly flopped like Clay's clammy hand on Kelly Ripa's mouth just a day later.

The show's producer, Todd Ellis, said that he was shutting down the show because of a "lack of advance ticket sales, a lack of positive feedback from audience members and critics and a lack of sustainable financial resources." The rough English translation? It sucked real bad.

Backstage magazine called "Idol" "interminable, amateurish, headache-inducing," and that was just in the first paragraph of its review. Just for the record, neither Aiken nor "American Idol" the show were involved in the production.


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