
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Britney Spears' Comeback

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Britney Spears backed out at the last minute from recording a duet with her old flame, Justin Timberlake. The duet, which was to be produced by hit-maker Timbaland at his studio in Virginia Beach, could have started a big comeback.

JT wrote a duet specifically for Brit Brit and they were supposed to record their parts solo, they didn't have to be in the studio at the same time, his voice would be mixed with Britney's later.

"Timbaland set aside a week out of his crazy schedule to do this - and then, just before she was supposed to fly out, Britney abruptly canceled the session and refused to do the song.

Another insider said, "Listen, everyone is worried. In her mind, her album is done and she's done enough work . . . She's an easy target right now, because she's . . . sick. People like her are sick. It's like an anorexic who's sick in the head and needs help. She needs help. It's sad because what she's got - and we've heard it's like bipolar disorder - can easily be treated with medication, but she won't do it."

As for whether or not Jive has wiped their hands of Spears, the insider said, "People at Jive have faith that once the material is there, she will become focused and step it up."

The only reason why Jive is still with her is because she made them so much money in the past. The only reason why Justin wrote a song for Brit, is so he can say he's responsible for her comeback. And the only reason why we still care about the mother of the year is because of her vag shots and rat weaves.

I'm not so sure this singin' thang is for Britney anymore. Unless she can blow bubbles while tracks play in the background while she performs and eat Cheetos in between songs, she doesn't want a comeback.

ny post

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