
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Amy Winehouse Needs Rehab


I'm sure you've all heard about Amy being hospitalized for 'exhaustion' last week. That skinny bitch did a crazy ass cocktail of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine and horse tranquilizer. Her friends and family all got together over the weekend to talk to her about what a hot mess she's become, and to talk some sense into her. Daddy Winehouse put the smackdown on Amy and told her like it is.
"He told her that she's ruining everything - her career and more importantly her life. He told her to look at what she was doing to her friends and family. "It got to the point where they were screaming at each other. Amy told him to butt out - she claimed to know what she was doing."Then at the end, Amy just pushed him out of the way. She kept shouting 'No' and 'Stop it', running back to her suite in floods of tears."

Too bad she's not really taking anyone's advice. She needs rehab more than Britney needs new extensions.... THAT is bad folks. I'm totally bummed she's the Janis Joplin of our generation. She'll make some kick ass music for a short bit, but that Herion is gonna do her in way before her time. I'm almost ready to start placing bets on how much longer till she croaks cause at her rate it won't take long.


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