
Monday, August 13, 2007

50 Cent vs. Kanye West, Going Down September 11th


Egotistical and scary faced "rapper" 50 Cent says he will quit making records if Kanye West outsells him on September 11th. Both chart toppers share the same release date and the egotistical 50 has put his fans to the challenge.

50 said,

"If Kanye West sells more records on September 11, I'll no longer write music. I'll write music and work with my other artists, but I won't put out any more solo albums,"

"And I bet this, When Kanye West's sales come in, he's gonna have a 70 percent decrease cause Def Jam is gonna buy records. So watch the first week and then watch the second week. Watch his ass drop off the planet. We keep our angles covered before we make a decent bet."

I have to buy Kanye's album on September 11th because 50 Cent is everything that's wrong with rap music. He can't flow, he's uncreative, glorifies violence, degrades women, and he's just so harsh on the eyes. If 50 had some talent, I could support him. Until then, not so much.


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