
Monday, July 30, 2007

Jessica Simpson Porn Star?

Papa Joe says nope.


Papa Joe said Jessica was guaranteed an Oscar if she took the role of a porn star, but he said no. Joe told People magazine,
"The last script that came to us was for Jessica to be a porn star. We were promised we would win an Oscar with that. I was like, 'Eh, we'll just buy a [statue of a] little man and keep our clothes on.' "

Since she shot to fame in 2003 with ex-husband Nick Lachey on MTV's Newlyweds Jessica Simpson, 27, has been receiving quirky TV-show proposals "every day," according to her father.

"Jessica has three more movies to shoot; she has a new record coming in September. If the right role came up, of course, we'd never turn that down."
Joe's lying, he knows Jess can't act. If Papa Joe knew Jessica would get an Oscar for playing a porn star, he would have made her take that role! He would have had to play her lover, of course. But he would force her to spread like an eagle so he can put her Academy Award on his resume. Always pimpin'. He's one of the best managers and most perverted fathers in Hollywood right now.

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