
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Desperate Housewives Welcomes Gay Couple To Wisteria Lane


Desperate Housewives creator Marc Cherry said he's spicing up the show!

"We're going to have the first male desperate housewives," said Cherry, the show's gay creator and head writer. "They will move into the old Applewhite house and one of the gay men will just have a fractious, hateful relationship with Teri Hatcher."

So who will play the same-sex couple?

Roger Bart, so fabulous as the gay "wife" in the remake of "The Stepford Wives" a few years back would be perfect for one half but he's already played a heterosexual on Housewives and a creepy one at that: Bree's wacko pharmacist beau who killed her first husband, Rex.

Said Cherry about potential actors for the part: "We just started writing the episodes so I probably won't start casting for another few weeks."

So what about Andrew?

Many gay viewers have been especially intrigued with, and invested in, his character ever since Susan caught him kissing Justin (Ryan Carnes) in the swimming pool in the first half of Season 1. Andrew's clashes with his mother Bree (Marcia Cross) over his sexuality made for some memorable scenes in Seasons 1 and 2. After coming out to his mother, Bree says to Andrew what Cherry's mom said to him in real life: "I'd still love you, even if you were a murderer."

source, source

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