
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Big Girls vs. Skinny Slut, Rosie O'Donnell Defends Frenchie Davis

Where would we all be without hearing what wisdom Rosie O'Donnell has to give?!

Rosie entered the Antonella Barba racy pic scandal by opening her pie hole on The View today.

Rosie addressed the fact that Frenchie Davis was booted off American Idol in season 2 for once appearing on an adult Web site and Barba remains on the show. "Why is it that Frenchie was kicked off and this girl was not?"

When airhead cohost Elisabeth Hasselbeck suggested it may have been because Davis' topless pics were only available on a pay-per-view site, Rosie said it doesn't matter.
"I think it's racist. I do," said O'Donnell, adding in reference to Davis, "I think it's because she's black." She added (eventually sounding like Elmer Fudd), "It's weightist and wacist, too, you wascally wabbit." Furthermore, O'Donnell said of Barba, "She can't sing a note, by the way."
Davis herself has questioned the fairness of the situation. "I think it's fantastic if Idol has evolved and I think it's fantastic she won't have to go through what I went through four years ago," the singer told the New York Post.

"But if the rules have changed, I believe there should be something to make up for the fact that I was humiliated needlessly."
Should Frenchie let it go?! I say no. She's pretending like she's pissed so she can give interviews. It's working. Keep at it, start a boycott, then sell some shirts on eBay.


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