
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Steve-O Is Stupid

But he gives the best quotes. I have no comment other than - enjoy.
'Jackass' star Steve-O's New Year's resolutions include having more sex and quitting drugs.

He is quoted by Britain's The Sun newspaper as saying: "I'm going to try to make more money, have more sex, become more famous and quit smoking. I'm quitting drugs too."

The 32-year-old insists he has already stopped taking Class A drugs, but still smokes marijuana.

He quipped: "I quit cocaine and now I'm off the nitrous gas (laughing gas) - so I'm just a pothead now."

Steve-O confessed last September that his penchant for cannabis could have cost him his life, after he smuggled the illegal substance into India via Singapore where the penalty for drug smuggling is the death sentence.

He said at the time: "I filled condoms up with grass, swallowed them, then shit them out in India. I flew through Singapore, though, where if you're caught as a drug trafficker, they'll hang you."

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