
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Mother Of The Year Parties Day And Night

Britney Spears has continued clubbing almost every night, now she's taking day trips too. I posted Britney Spears' newest message to her fans without any commentary, hoping the ho was serious and she'd pull it together. Nope. It's still all about the partying, cigs, boozin' and bad hair.

Here she is with another dude who may knock her up. I think her public image is beyond repair, but at least I don't see no beat down weave. If the only compliment I can give is that your weave isn't unraveling, (when you haven't glued that mess in this time). Bitch, you got some problems.

Her kids must really love their nanny (mother). At least Brit can afford all their future therapy. Maybe her kids should live with K-Fed?!


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