
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More Madonna Drama

Ooohhh. That rhymes. Anywho, David's dad says the bitch better pick up her phone, but he wants Madge's phone number first.
The father of the 1-year-old Malawian boy Madonna is hoping to adopt says he wants to ask the singer how his son is doing.

"I don't have her phone and mailing addresses. All I want is to find out how my son is but I don't know how I can do it,"
Malawi's Daily Times quotes Yohane Banda as saying, Reuters reports.

"I only talked to her once at the High Court and I want to talk to her now and find out about my child."

Banda reportedly spoke to the paper after it gave him a check for $788 from a Scottish nun named Christine Webster, who said she thinks David would have been better off staying in Malawi.

Still, according to the paper, Banda said he doesn't want David returned to him and asked that human rights groups – who in November were granted permission to help assess Madonna's fitness to adopt – not to interfere with his efforts to contact the singer.

"All I want is to find out how my child is doing and not to have him back," he said.
I understand that David's father is trying not to sound controversial and he wants to convey his message that he wants his son to be with Madonna, but saying "All I want is to not have him back" makes David sound like a bad rash or sumthin'.

Wrong choice of words? Lost in translation? I dunno, but I hope Madonna will talk to his father. I prefer Angelina. Madonna sucks at adoption, however, Britney's drunken ass is gonna suck even worse if she adopts. Wonder when Brit's gonna give Sean Preston his first bottle of Jack Daniels?


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