
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Fall Out Boy Wants Some Street Cred?

January 7th 2007, Fall Out Boy brought the Friends Or Enimies tour into the Sunshine Theater in Albuquerque, NM.

At the end of their set during 'Saturday', they started letting people onstage. Security didn't want anymore ppl on stage.

A roadie (and comrade) of FOB's was still letting ppl on. That must have pissed off a certain securty guard enough to attack the roadie and bring him offstage and grapple with him.

Pete took offense and dropped the mic, jumped offstage and started beating the shit outta that security guard. After the pummel, Pete got back onsatge, grabbed the mic and stated,

"That's what you get when you fuck with my friends...fuckin' asshole!" then the band left...but what's even better is...I'VE GOT IT ALL ON VIDEO.


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