
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Drugs Or No Drugs, Courtney Love Is As Crazy As They Come

Courtney's blogged New Year's resolutions.
become a women of limitless self esteem
help others with at least 20% of my time and money
get this last song- if needed w LP

sign with one of the two deals on the table , asap, ( after the hols both meetings are set and both deal memos have been negotiated i just have to decide if i want to take a risk or be safe and who knows..)

be victorious and positive in all actions
have a happy satisfied child and family

sell the pony get a new horse
try this anthropoligical experiment - get to my goal weight healthily and stay there .

improve yoga practice
do gongyo at night - even if i just do the book and 7 minutes of diamoku
attract only positive people to my home an life
thank all those who have walked it like theyve talked it and let them know i do not take them for granted.

cahnt for the war in Iraq to cease asap
chant for Hillary to win
take nothing personally.
learn an asian language.
dont take no for an answer ( if appropriate) and chase after what i want
tour tour tour

make sure Billy feels i have his back too and not allow him to go off the rails even if it eans confrontation- because thats what friends do

cultivate real and deep relationships with others
get cd out within the next month - arpil latest.

listen to Linda and relax and let the people who would see me fail walk in peace dont feed myself any vitriol from them
dont peek at tabloids and bad websites, as it absouloutly shatters the Law to make that cause agiants yourself.

have fantastic sex with commitment and honour with someone who treats me as i deserve and dont give my power away

learn about money
keep a journal no matter what
keep writing songs no matter what
know that 07 is going to be the very best year of my entire life to date
know that Kurts spirit is tended to and tend to it daily

help other performers and artists who are unknown or nknown here in the states.
dont go to nightclubs with 19 year olds.

be an imnspiration to those around me and remember the mistakes made in the past and take responsibility for them thus not allowing those energies into my life again
another year,

another year without even wine no matter how hard i try to justify that wines okay knw that is the demon voice and put it out of my thoughts
chant daimoku for my worst enemies who are not enemies of me persoanlly but whp project thier own insecurities onto me and onto my past drug problem.

make any amends that are left to make.
do not allow myself to be a doormat in relationships ever again

learn at least three new skills
make a friend a month or reconnect with an old friend a month and be consistent in relationship

get Biba collection better
get hoous ein UK and Loft in NY or Apt in Cetrakl Park West.
do not lose touch with people when scared to call because i fell less than call anyway.

have fun in tour an find a great touring band, dont care about looks or gender, only quality of musicianishio and energy.
rehearse to exhaustion to get it right.
mean it when i smile.

mean it when i meet a stranger no matter how bnothersome- be sincer and take the damm photo without attitude.
stay pissed off at the world for song usage.
dont get complacent.

keeo a beautiful home and and keep child safe
hopefully start another family someday - soon. meet that guy.

no more surgery for any reason other than medical until i really need it in my 60s
and last b it def not least


stay macro biotic and do the exercise needed to burtn the carbs off that to stay healthiest.
undertsnad who my enemeies are since a few exacs and bloggers out there seem to enjoy hirtiung me and using the Law let them find interest in another.
rthats it for now.
lotsa love
This is like every word too long. I wonder if she's kept even one of these resolutions so far? Waste of paper. Some of 'em sound good, honestly, but what is it about a former crackhead that makes you think that they're always cracked out?! It's like you can't get past it sometimes. And the nonsensical babble doesn't help.

When Courtney refers to "bloggers" who enjoy hurting her, I'm not one of 'em. I like Courtney Love. She's made one of my favorite albums of all time, Hole's Live Through This, but the bitch is crazy. I'm surprised she ain't in no straight jacket right about now. See, it's all love.

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