
Thursday, December 28, 2006

More Deets From The Home Wrecker Who Banged Keith Urban

Amanda Wyatt, a 23-year-old part-time model also said,
”He drank constantly; his favourite was Crown Royal Reserve whisky. And he did drugs: Ecstasy, cocaine, pot - you name it… Looking back, I rarely saw him sober.

He’d work during the day but the bourbon would be flowing and at night he’d take Ecstasy and coke. When we made love, he never used protection.”
Now Nicole wants to renew her vows to her cheatin' man?

OK magazine reports,
"Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban plan to start the new year off right. Now that Keith has completed his stint in rehab for alcohol abuse, the couple is planning to renew their vows in a tropical paradise.

Their private ceremony will take place on the Caribbean island of St. John, at the
home of their pal country singer Kenny Chesney. “They both agree that the second time is the charm,”
If they mean, "charm" as in no more cheating, then I hope it works out. Nicole needs to test his ass for STDs. These home wreckers will give it to anybody. And that "it" could be herpes, chlamydia, you name it. I'm so over these sluts. Or maybe I'm jealous. Horny perhaps. Where's my married man?


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