
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Alicia Keys Is BET's Person of The Year

Retha Hill, BET.com's vice president for content, points to Keys’ “tireless dedication to stopping AIDS in Africa” as the primary reason the entertainer “has won the hearts and minds of her generation.”

“What makes her even more special is that she doesn’t hesitate to use her celebrity to back good causes, like Keep a Child Alive, and to get personally involved."

Keys told BET, “It means so much to me, especially because the people who voted see the importance of my work with Keep A Child Alive. I've always wanted to be the voice of the people all over the world.”

Keep a Child Alive is an organization that assists children, families and orphans living with AIDS in Africa and the developing world.

"I believe this should be as important as the war on terrorism, as important as rebuilding impoverished countries like Afghanistan or Iraq, as important as peace in the Middle East.

“This should be as important as if our own daughters and sons were dying."
Voters have selected the right person for this award. Congratulations to Alicia for being one of the few celebs to step up to the plate on such an important issue. Luv her.


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