Nick Carter says when he learned that Paris Hilton was rampantly cheating on him with Chad Michael Murray he waited until Paris jetted off to Australia and then jumped into bed with Ashlee Simpson.Lmao. Nick talking about morals and values? Ashlee Simpson's such a whore. Jessica's just trying to catch up."I'd fallen head over heels with this chick. Then, all of a sudden, three months go by and I got people telling me, 'Nick, you know what Paris is doing to you,' and I got a little upset," Carter related.
"So then I just decided to fight back a little bit and started doing my own thing again. The result is I hooked up with Ashlee Simpson. When Paris came back from Australia, they talked to each other and she found out about it.
"So I brought it up to her and said, 'You know what I did, and now it's your turn. Why don't you tell me what you did.' And she goes, 'I never did anything! I never cheated on you.'
I had kind of started to really like Ashlee and I was thinking about the dating stage, then, before you know it [bleep]ing bitch-face comes back."
"I got so burnt over that whole Paris [bleep] with all this swinging and switching. Whatever happened to morals and values?"
Nick may just be this week's "because he's hot" post. Cheating on Parisite is like 300 permanent bonus points.
ny post
Why is this fool coming out only NOW saying this? Paris and him were over like a billion years ago. He got burnt by his porno fiance so now he's airing out dirty laundry now. Poor baby. Let's feel sorry for you honey cakes. --Don't buy it Nick. OMG! Talk about attention pimp AUGH!
ReplyDeleteThat has got to be one of the ugliest asses I have ever seen! It looks like two empty sacks stuck to her tail bone. Do some damn lunges geez.
ReplyDeleteThat ass makes me want to gouge my own eyes out with a bic pen.