“Brandon and Nicky Hilton decided to run around and call everyone a ‘loser’ or ‘whore’ - like the way other people call each other ’sweety’ or ‘honey’. ” Connolly didn’t like either word and when the oil heir wouldn’t stop, Connolly “smacked him.”Brandon's the same jerk that started a revolution known as "firecrotch." His drunken ass chose the wrong insult. If him and Nicky said, "firecrotch" only laughter would have ensued. Or maybe I'm just weird?
Brandon, grandson of the late oil billionaire Marvin Davis, shrieked and cursed insults, prompting Connolly to “punch him in the face two times.” Connolly said: “He just can’t talk to me the way he talks to other people.”
He is so gay. He needs to get the shit kicked out of him on the regular. Maybe then he'll realize what a piece of shit he is.