
Monday, September 04, 2006

Tom Cruise Kisses Brooke Shields' Ass

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People reports:
Last summer, Tom Cruise for told the Today show ans Access Hollywood that Brooke Shields should not have taken medication to combat postpartum depression. Cruise insisted depression could be treated by "vitamins and exercise."

Brooke responded in the New York Times which she wrote, "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Mr. Cruise has never suffered from postpartum depression."

Brooke appeared on the Tonight Show on Thursday and said, Cruise "came over to my house and he gave me a heartfelt apology, and he apologized for bringing me into the whole thing and for everything that happened."

"And through it all, I was so impressed with how heartfelt it was. And I didn't feel at any time that I had to defend myself, nor did I feel that he was trying to convince me of anything other than the fact that he was deeply sorry. And I accepted it."

Cruise's rep said, "It is true that his friendship with Ms. Shields has been mended. He has not changed his position about antidepressants, which, as evidenced by the black label warnings issued by the FDA on these types of drugs, are unhealthy."
After Paramount said they don't want no more crazy, Tom is suddenly sorry and feels like he should apologize?! How convenient. Then Tom's rep says he still thinks drugs are unhealthy i.e.(Tom still thinks Brooke Shields sucks).

Brooke was probably chilling at her crib, possibly enjoying her day with her hubby and kids when she heard a ring at the door. I wonder if it all went down like this?

**Ding Dong**

(At the front door) Brooke: Who is it?

Tom: It's me, Tom Cruise.

Brooke: I'm gonna call the police!

Tom: Brooke, it's really me and I'm here to say I'm sorry.

Brooke: Sorry for what?

Tom: Being an asshole.

Brooke: An asshole about what?

Tom: Saying you shouldn't have taken anti-depressants because it's irresponsible.

Why are you crying?

Because I'm a loser, and Paramount's making that obvious.

Brooke: Go get some kleenex and get outta my face.

If I was Brooke, I would make Crazy Cruise kiss my bare ass, while I take photos on my Sidekick, post his pics on the net within an hour, then claim my phone was hacked, and I just don't know how the pics got on the world wide web.

Brooke is awesome!



  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    If Tom was really sorry, he would have said so a LONG time ago!

  2. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I know I would of told Tom to kiss my ass. I would tell him that right now if I saw his short ass walking on the street.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    No one believes you tom!! I bet he's only apologizing because Katie made him. I also bet Katie's suffering from PPD too but can only take meds in secret.
