
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Pink Cast A Love Spell On Her Husband

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Shemale Pink got to bragging about how she got her man, Carey Hart to ignore the fact that she has a dick, and settle for a relationship with her/him.
Pink had a magic spell put on her husband - to make him love her forever.

The singer who married motocross racer Carey Hart in January - has revealed she had a witch put a spell on Carey to ensure he is devoted to her for the rest of her life.

"I have a friend who is a white witch and, on my hen night, she cast a love spell on Carey and everyone showered me with rose petals. It was amazing."
I'm not surprised supernatural powers were used to victimize Carey. I'm just shocked that bitch is boasting about the only way she can get a man is by casting spells. More shemales should give Pink's methods a try. First, tuck in your dick. Then, light candles, say some prayers, hire a witch, and bust out some rose petals. Might work.



  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Now we finally know how they got together. Why is she boasting about this?

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    WTF is Pink wearing?!
