
Friday, September 01, 2006

Is Lindsay Lohan Getting Engaged?

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Contact Music reports:
Lindsay Lohan is set to become part of the Morton family empire if reports of her boyfriend Harry Morton buying an engagement ring are to be believed.

The restaurateur was spotted buying an engagement ring at Cartier in Beverly Hills, California and his aides have confirmed he did in fact buy something special there.

A spokeswoman for the Pink Taco boss says, "I can confirm that Harry was shopping in Cartier, but what he purchased I cannot confirm. If it was in fact a gift then that's between him and whomever the gift is for."

Lohan and Morton have been an item for four months and have been inseparable this summer (06). Morton is the son of Hard Rock Hotel chairman PETER MORTON.
Harry's a rich bitch, that ring could have been for anyone. They've only been together a month. He just started hittin' that shit. He's more interested in grabbing her ass in public, like a real gentleman should.
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  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Lindsay is so happy to be groped. What a horny slut.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM

    They're cute together, but marriage - NO

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I swear these people live in a paralell universe or something! 4 months & people already alledging engagement! I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
