
Monday, September 04, 2006

Kevin Federline Cried Over His Performance

Kevin Federline was bawling!
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From Us Weekly:
Kevin Federline has publicly put on a brave face despite his poorly reviewed debut rap performance at the August 20 Teen Choice awards, but insiders tell Us Weekly he’s devastated.

“He was actually crying,” says a source. The next day, at home in Malibu, California, wife Britney Spears, 24, “also cried for him…She didn’t leave him alone all day,” says the source. (Their rep had no comment.)

I wonder if part of the reason behind his tears were this petition?

To: HBO Executives
To whomever at HBO makes such decisions:

As a hard-core viewer of your series, "Entourage", by signing this petition I am warning you that if you cast Kevin "KFed" Federline a part in this TV series, I will cease watching the program. Never, ever again... Not just those episodes, but the whole series and any DVD's you try and peddle to the public.

Entourage has done for guys what "Sex in the City" did for the ladies. It is hip, cool and everything a guy wants in a TV program. But you would ruin all of that to cast some wanna-be.

Mr. Federline would be nothing more than a graveyard shift security guard at the airport if he had not lucked out and knocked-up a hot pop star. Case in point: He ruined Brittany! If he can render her delicious naughty hotness into barefoot, trailer park fat-skank - imagine how quickly he can run this show into the crapper.

Please do not crash this high flying TV series.


The Undersigned

I love how this dumbass said he's a "hard-core viewer," you mean, loyal fan of the show? Then, he misspelled "Brittany," and addressed this "to whomever at HBO makes such decisions."

The petition is currently 247 signatures strong. So poorly written. Laughable.

Us weekly


Viva La Graham's List (so fun)
Kelly Osbourne didn't get married, although some thought she did
Rachel Bilson's legs
Jennifer Aniston to rap with Eminem?
Kfed is actually working
Jessica sang her throat out on the Today show


  1. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Should I sign the petition?

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Luv it! I didn't read about this anywhere else. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I just signed it.

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    When Kevin stops impregnating, maybe I'll start feeling sorry for him.

  5. Anonymous2:47 PM

    That letter is funny. Really though, this world would be so much better if their passions were in another place. How are you gonna let an hour long cameo by someone you don't know ruin the entire season for you?? Get a grip people. If you didn't know, it's not the end of the world (yet).
    PS This post was not directed to anyone here. Just venting about the dumbass that wrote the petition.
