
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jessica Simpson Says She's "Not Dating" John Mayer

Jessica Simpson appeared on the View on Tuesday.
Jess said“I’m actually not dating John Mayer. They put in this quote saying that I’m in love! But he’s my friend. I’ve known him for a couple of years.”
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The New York Times reported:
The People cover features a somewhat fuzzy picture of the singer smiling at the camera and the words “I’m in love” in large, bold print over the photo.

But the text of the paragraph below the headline quotes a friend saying “he makes her heart skip.” The cover quotation is from the friend, citing Ms. Simpson’s words, not from Ms. Simpson herself.

People never credited the Enquirer with orginially reporting the story.
Jessica said her and John Mayer are "not dating." They might be "just friends." Justin and Cameron, Jennifer and Vince, Avril and Deryck, and Nicole Richie and Brody Jenner are all just friends too.



  1. Anonymous4:16 AM

    That's pretty cool that the NY Times investigated this. I think People may lose credibility? But they won't cuz Jessica is with John Mayer. She's just lying like everyone does.

  2. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Rosie O'Donnell looks like a dork on The View. She doesn't belong.
