“It’s really sad - the recession is everywhere. But at least they are having good sales,” said Olsen, who pointed to her hat. “That’s where I got this! The recession!”First of all, I dunno how many times I've said, 'I don't want the economy to get better because I love these gas prices. It almost makes me hope that we'll stay in a recession because I do not wanna go back to paying as much for gas as I was before!'
I've said the same senseless, insensitive bullshit. It's inappropriate of me to do so because it's inappropriate, but having a website is fairly recession-proof and I don't work for any company that can lay me off. So, by making statements like that it means I'm a super bitch. As if I wasn't already.
I also love that MK, a BILLIONAIRE, is excited to cop some cheap shiz! Say what you may, but it's pretty damn cool that the Olsens are so grounded. They really aren't flashy bitches. I mean, look at the skanks on The Real Housewives series who probably make the same amount of money in two years that the Olsens make in a month, and they're the snobs. I actually think it be dope that MK still gets excited over a bargain; and yes, she could have phrased it better, but she was speaking as a cheap ass billionaire who likes to spend her money on the essentials like booze and drugs, not overpriced clothes. I respect that.
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