
Thursday, November 09, 2006

K-Fed Files Suit For Sole Custody

Kevin Federine filed a claim in LA court today in response to estranged wife Britney Spears' divorce petition, making a claim for sole custody of Sean Preston and Jayden James Federline.

KFed's lawyer said, "Kevin is prepared to go the distance in order to do what he feels is necessary to protect and safeguard the children and will not be intimidated or dissuaded from pursuit of those goals."

Federline also asked for spousal support. "That he's seeking sole custody leads me to believe they're heading to a costly battle over the kids."
Could Federsperm possibly be any more of a joke? Broke ass dead beat baby daddy thinks he can fight against Britney's lawyers. I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for him. I don't feel comfortable mocking the mentally challenged.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Kevin federmoron makes me sick! he seriously just disgusts me
