
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Nadya Suleman Blog, Nadya Suleman Family Website Donations

Unemployed mother of eight Nadya Suleman has launched a new website (only a single page blog that asks for Paypal donations) because Nadya Suleman doesn't want to work and make her own money, she wants to collect taxpayers' dollars for welfare and get interviewed by Ann Curry.


Mother of 14 Nadya Suleman has launched a website to raise money. It's not even tucked in the corner of the site. There is a huge ass DONATE button front and center. Nadya admits to being $50,000 in debt and on government assistance. Basically, we are already donating to that stingy psycho-skank with our taxes. I am not including the link to the site. I do not condone throwing money away. Giving money to this woman will encourage her to have another litter of babies. Seriously, this should be considered criminal. Take the kids away and lock her ass up. Better yet, just lock up her reproductive organs.

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  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I agree in that, Nadya should put ALL of her children up for adoption. Selfish and lazy, would discribe her. Her parents are busting their asses to raise those children, while she waddles around collecting wellfare. I really do think, Nadya is mentally disabled. The doctor who attended her and helped bring those innocent children into this world, needs to get Bitch Slapped! Then taken to jail. Then Bitch Slapped, some more!

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    It is crazy to think that California had to pay 3 million in Tax payer money to pay for her bills. I dont think she should have been allowed to get IVF! She is a single mom with 6 children already. This is a classic case of child abuse. The only reason the children havent been taken away is because we put her on celebrity status. A social worker needs to come and take them all away and put her in jail.

  3. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I agree that the state of California needs to step up and take those babies, this is not a healthy situation for them to be in. Nadya says she has lined up people to help with feedings and care,but they will soon grow weary of the tasks as the babies grow if she gets to keep them! Then what? I feel sorry for every one in her family and her mom and dad that is just unfair to them. They are tired from the other 6 kids! The best thing they could do for her is tough love! Walk away from her just let her see how long she can go before the state steps in for rescue! Time will tell! God never meant for a womasn to be able to concieve that many babies at once, and she is seriously stepping into gods plans and altering them! What right do she and the Dr. have to do9 this morally?

  4. Anonymous3:52 AM

    She is a sociopath and it is only a matter of time before Ann Curry is interviewing her again after she has had all her children taken away from her because she is MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hopefully, during that interview she can comment on how the 'doctor' that let this happen has been deregistered.

  5. Anonymous5:34 AM

    the woman is nuts... obviously not a balanced individual. the state needs to make an example out of her by taking the children and cutting welfare to anyone who does the same.

    this is one person that does NOT need to reproduce.

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    AWWW, come on, yea she's nuts and the kids will have to fight over bread crumbs, but she has the balls to go on national tv and ask for money, wait a minute, so did the nations largest banks and Detroits big three. Ok, lock the bitch up along with all those greedy execs...

  7. Anonymous1:36 PM

    A single, unemployed woman trying to raise 14 children is just plain crazy. It was hard enough raising 2 children when I was a married, 2 income family when the economy was good and this so-called woman thinks that she can manage to raise all those children without going to work or getting welfare, that's a joke.

    If she was any kind of a real woman she would have never even considered bringing even one child into this world when she is not able to work to support it. And now she has 14 children, no husband, and no means of support except her parents. And she even has the nerve to expect people to donate money to her when she has made such an insane choice.

    I, for one, would not donate a single penny to enable her in this situation. And I will boycott any company that I here of that helps her out also. She has made her choice, now she needs to step up to the plate and deal with it. In my eyes she is nothing more than a lazy, money grubbing, opportunist who thinks that others should feel sorry for her. The ones I feel sorry for are those innocent children who didn't ask to be brought into this situation. They will be the ones who will suffer because there is no way that there mother will be able to give them the love and attention they need, let alone being able to feed them properly or give them the other things that a child need in life.

  8. I am in no way condoning what she did. I feel the Doctor is somewhat to blame, he surly knew she was not being rational with her decision. Unless he just trully didn't care and just wanted the money. The point I want to make whats the difference between Nadya asking for donations and Jon and Kate plus 8 having a show and exploiting their children... or the mother of 17 who just had another? I am fairly sure both families are enjoing the money they make off there shows and children. Nadya made a bad decision and now everyone knows, so instead of condeming her, lets try to make a bad situation and try to help?

  9. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Dustin, I understand where you're coming from. However, the less money that is donated to Nadya, the greater the chance she stands to lose her children. I think the more people want to see all of Nadya's children taken away, so they at least can have the best, one on one, care and love. Chances are, she will lose her children anyway, after she collects all the donations. It's totally unethical to bring so many children into this world, knowing you can not provide for them. It's not fair to the children in Nadya's case nor in the previous cases, you spoke of.

  10. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The doctor is Michael Kamrava who heads up the West Coast IVF Clinic ..250 Robertson suite 407...This guy is a Dr Fankenstien...When will he be stopped...When will he be forced to make retribution for his crimes...When will his clinic be closed ...Where is the justice we want

  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    no, everyone should donate $.01 through paypal, she will lose money due to the fee's paypal charges to recieve money.

  12. Anonymous7:18 PM

    From The TimesFebruary 13, 2009

    Briton tells of ‘secretive’ octuplets doctor Michael Kamrava
    British embryologist says she is shocked to find Michael Kamrava is still running clinic she walked out of 13 years ago
    Sam Lister, Health Editor
    A British embryologist who worked for the doctor whose fertility treatment led to the birth of octuplets said yesterday that she was shocked to discover he was still running the clinic she walked out on 13 years ago.

    Shantal Rajah, 51, told The Times that she left Michael Kamrava’s clinic in the United States after three weeks, such was her concern at his personal attitude. She said that she found his behaviour impossible, including the secretive way that he ran the West Coast IVF Clinic. She successfully sued him for back pay and damages, receiving a substantial sum in 2003.

    Describing Dr Kamrava, 57, as “extremely difficult”, Dr Rajah said that he had misled her about the clinic to encourage her to move from Britain and had refused to listen to questions she raised about the way the clinic operated.

    “The level of regulation I was used to just wasn’t there,” Dr Rajah said. “His practice was all a very secretive issue. He didn’t tell anyone what he was up to – he would do things that he said would work, but you didn’t get any sense of what he was doing or what was the outcome.

    Related Links
    Octuplets' mother may have had multiple IVF
    US woman gives birth to live octuplets
    “I saw details emerge [of the clinic] and I thought of him – frankly I am shocked he’s still in business.”

    Dr Kamrava was revealed on Monday as the man who gave IVF to Nadya Suleman, 33, for all of her 14 babies. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine said yesterday that it was investigating whether he followed guidelines by implanting six embryos into each of Ms Suleman’s six pregnancies, resulting in four single births, a set of twins and the octuplets. The Medical Board of California is also looking into the pregnancy.

    Even twin and triplet pregnancies have considerably raised risks to health, including stillbirth, prematurity and cerebral palsy for the babies, and preeclampsia and death for their mothers. In bigger multiple pregnancies, these hazards grow almost exponentially.

    Fertility experts and medical ethicists in the United States, who have been highly critical of the octuplets’ birth, said that no more than three embryos were considered appropriate for a woman of Ms Suleman’s age. British IVF clinics are generally forbidden from transferring more than two embryos at once, and they are encouraged to use only one.

    Ms Suleman, who has a history of miscarriages and scarred Fallopian tubes, defended Dr Kamrava, describing her treatment as “very appropriate”.

    Dr Kamrava, who has described himself as a medical pioneer, is known in Southern California for promoting techniques to improve pregnancy success rates, including placing newly created embryos in a capsule and cultivating them inside the vagina for a few days before transferring them to the uterus in hopes of achieving a pregnancy.

    Federal records suggest that his clinic in Beverly Hills has a low success rate. Of the 61 procedures Dr Kamrava conducted in 2006, there have been only five pregnancies and two births.

    In a research paper published this month, Dr Rajah, who works at the Brent-wood Fertility Centre at Essex Nuffield Hospital, questions whether a single embryo transfer policy is the best approach to IVF. She said yesterday that she nevertheless felt that the implanting of more than two embryos should not be carried out.

    Describing her time with Dr Kamrava, she added: “I had to do the work – whatever he instructed I did. He did not have a modernised heated microscope [for cell study], which is what I was used to. But he really wasn’t receptive to changes to the way he did things. He had a very bad temper.”

    Dr Rajah sued Dr Kamrava for her relocation expenses and back pay. Court papers cite how they had strong disagreements over the proper heating of embryos. They also state that Dr Kamrava has been named in at least five medical malpractice lawsuits since 1991.

    Another former employee, Shirin Afshar, the office administrator, took legal action against Dr Kamrava over financial irregularities. The suit appeared to have been settled in 1999, shortly before it went to trial.

    Dr Kamrava did not return calls from The Times. When confronted by reporters earlier in the week, he said that he had granted a television interview.

  13. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Briefly overviewing these comments, all I can say is SHAME on AMERICANS. We think so highly of our money that we don't even care that there are 8 little human lives at stake here. We think that WE know what is best, to take them from their mom(I know, you think she ain't no mom) and call her names, arguing about their future and how it should be handled, on-line, without even knowing the woman or walking in her shoes for one minute. If our lives were on the line waiting for a life giving organ donation and all that people could say of us is that we were a worthless so and so, how would we take that? Why should any law-abiding, tax-paying citizen die and leave us their precious organs so that we can go on spewing hate? God's judgement is upon this nation, and we deserve it. We think higher of animals and trees than of children and families. These babies didn't ask to be born, they are not the culprits or the bad guys. Ms. Suleman has done what she has done, it cannot be undone, so how is tearing her up going to make things better? Murderous, adulterous, evil generation that we are, we rejoice in thinking of destroying others.

  14. Anonymous3:17 PM

    This woman is out of her mind thinking that america is gonna take her of kids like her mom did for her other 6.... the state should take those kids away she is using them to make money seeing that she doesnt have any. i have kids and i strungling how did she afford plastic surgery and acrylics? i have had my hair done or my nails done in years because all of my money goes to my two children. she is disgusting and self fish. there are women out there that cant have kids that try for years to have babies and get ivf. then she go and implants herself with 8 more kids after she just had 6? self fish oh so self fish. like i said the state should take those kids there are couples out there that are trying to have babies that would love octuplets. Nadya Suleman you are disgusting and you give single moms out there that are raising their kids instead of using them to get money bad wraps. You are giving all moms that are actually taking care of their kids bad wraps the kids would be in hell for the rest of their life if the state lets you keep those kids. they should also take away your benefits.

  15. Anonymous3:24 PM

    She disgusts me so much i couldnt even type correctly...I was trying to say i am struggling now to take care of my two kids...ive havent had my hair or nails done in years because all my money goes to my kids...I have one pair of snickers and two pairs of jeans that actually fit..my hair is thinning and im stressed to the max, and she can get a face lift and acrylics?

  16. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I don't know whether this woman has issues or not but I do know that so far most of the attacks she is having to face make no sence to me. People are saying she disgusts them becuase she got her nails done? Is that really fair? Or are people being petty? I think that a lot of what's going on is the single woman having kids (lord knows there's a lot of them). But, what you mean to tell me that if John (and I pray that he stay as healthy as ever) of "John and Kate Plus Eight" were to become ill and die you would take the kids from Kate or the "17 and Growning" mom's husband wasn't there she should have hers taken as well. Nayda is a different kind of person but that doesn't mean she can't do what she needs to with these babies and before you all pass judgement on her you should step back and wait for her to mess up. Last time I checked it's not a crime to get your nails done or have as many babies as you $%^^&** please. It is against the law to abuse your children and no one not even her mother can say that she's ever abused her children.

    I'm a mom of 3 birth sons and 4 children all together and when I brought the
    last baby home my middle one told me "to take that ugly thing back!" And you know what that's okay. MY friend had all three of her kids tell her that they didn't want the new baby because he'll make to much noise and take their toys and they were older than her little ones.

    If people wanted to buy her story SO WHAT!! If she's saling her story she's making her own money to take care of her children. But that won't happen because they scared away her pubicist company. Seems to me there is a conspiracy afoot and you may all be unwitting players into it. What! Do you want to say she's exploiting her children??? All I can say is "Jonh and Kate Plus Eight", "18 and Growing",also known as the Duggers not to mention all the stories of conjoined children. These parents are doing no more than what she may have been thinking about.

    She went for IVF to have another child...Oh and by the way she was taking care of her children just fine with her Bachelor of Science degree. She finds out that this time 7 eggs took. Her doctors tell her the dangers of carrying that many babies to term and then they say "You can pick 2 or 3. Maybe even 4 or 5 and kill them. Okay now pick?" This happens with every multiple pregnancy of over 5 fetuses most of the time. Now put yourself in her spot. You, pick which ones of your kids will live and which will die. She knew the odds going into this I'm sure and I'm sure she will need a little help from family and friends if the death threats haven't scared them all away. Every other family of multiples have and will need that same kind of help. The
    difference is their friends and family won't be
    afraid of death for giving that kindness.

    You should sit down and watch the old reruns of
    John and Kate Plus Eight as well as some of the other shows that were made about multiple birth families and you will see that it wasn't a sin for her to get her nails done while the babies are still in the hospital. After the way she's been treated she won't be able to get the kind of help other families of multiples get when the babies come home because everyone other than her mom and day will be afraid to go help her.

    And as for the money I see that she got hurt at work, sued and won. Not our money. It's hers fair
    and square. I also found that she had to get some
    help with food. Maybe wouldn't have happened if
    she hadn't been treated so poorly in the media.
    My great grand mother had 10 children in 9 years and then her husband died. She had to ask for help for a while to but she got it together and
    managed to raise her children just fine. Would anyone conceder take Kate's eight children if something happened to John? She hasn't asked that her bills be paid by others she is actively
    working to figure out how to take care of her babies on her own.

    I think people need to step back and give her a chance. So much of what is being said is bull#$%^
    that it's not funny. No one knows when they will
    end up somewhere dark and have to figure out how to make the best of it. To say that she can't take care of her babies before she's even been
    given a chance is so sad to me. And if we're going to start calling putting these kinds of families on TV then I say make it an across the
    boards discession and make it bad for every parent who does it. You maybe surprised to know
    that many families who have been in her position
    get a public-relations company to help them when
    the media is all over them. That way they know
    who to talk to and who to avoid. You know people
    who might twist their words or inject their feeling into their descision to not abort any of
    their babies.

    Anyway just think about this....What if you wanted kids and were single? What would you do?
    If you decided to use IVF and if the doctor told
    you "Ops! more took than we expected. What would
    you do? Now Everybody in the world decides to
    judge you as wrong for your descision and that they know better than you what you should have done? STOP! THINK! And ask yourself are you really qualfied to throw the first stone.
    Especially Based on the News Media today?

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    the world is full of idiots!!!!

  18. Anonymous11:07 AM

    that woman is a lazy PSYCO SKANK that will never love anybody or anything, not even herself... children are not pets or accesories, children are the MOST IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE thing in the universe. the Doctor is a Criminal. if anybody is Ignorant enough to think this woman is not Clincally insane then that person is also a whitetrashpsycomom.

  19. Anonymous6:01 PM

    People People. She didnt have plastic surgery. Lets stop and think about the children. I dont think it was right she had all of the children. I do think she has an emotional imbalance. If you look at the interview, she was an only child and in her twisted warped mind having so many children helped her cure whatever pain that caused her. Do I believe it is right. Heck no. Someone does need to examine her mental state and be advocates for those children. Those children deserve a good life. They are not the enemies. Someone above wanted to strip them of any monetary funds. I am sorry but they are the victims. Stripping her of fame and funds is what your are trying to do but that is impossible becuase she is the mother. I feel like she is very unstable. Did anyone listen to her answers on the Ann Curry interview? She worked for years for fertility treatments? What? Not for a car or house or for an education or fun young adult items? WHO Does that at the age of 23? I mean I was partying. She is crazy. She has been crazy. Her friends and family never got her any help and they all should be blamed. I also believe there has to be a board to review that Dr. Isn't in the Drs. Oath to " Do no Harm? I have heard from so many different shows in the last few weeks that multiple births have so many risk. Why would a dr implant so many eggs? Why would he experiment on someone with limited means and resources?

  20. Anonymous8:16 PM

    i don`t see how any one can compare jon and kate plus 8 or the duggars, they are truly loving family units that are not trying to live beyond their means and buget their resorces and yes they did do the reality tv thing but they didn`t base their family planning on this. it makes me sick to see how nadya is in the kitchen and the kids are all under foot while she keeps her mona lisa smile and if you look closely you can spot those little devil horns trying to poke through her hair as she tries to look like super mom. the video of her smooching all over that toddlers face with the pacifier in its mouth, he keeps trying to look at her as he looks like he tries to figure out who she is. i don`t know, maybe the cameras in the house 24/7 will show her true colors. i would also think that if she does come into any big money the hospital will be there ready to collect and maybe that sperm donor and dr should be liable for their unscupulous, stupid behavior. nadya should have at least considered a new donor if genetics had something to do with 3 of the childrens disabilities. maybe she wanted more disabled on purpose because the state awards more money for that. and that comment has no is not said to hurt someone with a child w/disabilities just that with all we have in science today, why perpetuate it over and over. the house the duggers live in, all the family built together and is built to comfortably accomodate the family in a practicle sense and you look at the new house that nadya is trying to accuire is all about her, not the kids. its a fabulous home, way beyond her means and a dream home for even those that bust their ass all their life. the yard is an unfenced pool and with so many children she will probably be trying to sue the real estate agents for not disclosing that it was not a safe house for children. nadya, why not look for something where your kids can run and play on a few acres in the country? a large one-story ranch home and be sure to include some space for your parents whom have given so unselfishly to you and maybe in a way have enabled your dumbshit ideas of instant shakenbake family planning. just because you grew up an only child doesn`t a shit. this is all about money you can`t make family. it happens with much more than spitting them out.its a shame that you are such a resource hog and draining to tax payers and consider some old school ways. my options when i was young didn`t include living on a goverment tit. i put my baby up for adoption and to this day, 35 yrs later i am still happy with my decision of giving him a family with 2 parents, siblings and love. my opinion, you are a selfish, self centered ugly soul and consider helping a lot of couples that would love to raise some of those children in a loving enviroment.and your lips are a little much and i probably would have noticed but when someone is so ugly on the inside, it starts seeping through. good luck

  21. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I've been reading the comments that was posted, and most of them I do not agree with. First of all the only thing I fault her for is injecting so many babies without the help of a father. I do not think that she is mentally disturbed, just selfish as being the only child. She is not the only person with 14 or more children, but one of the only one with 14 as a single parent. She should be given a chance those are her children. How would you feel if someone takes your children away. She have to be given a chance first before being condemed. The point is the children are now in this world and we should be concerned about them and not how we can only give one penny to make the mother suffer. If the mother suffer so do the children. Those children did not ask to be in this world. Give Nadya Suleman a chance first.

  22. Anonymous10:17 PM

    My goodness, some of you seem angry and vindictive way out of proportion to anything this woman could possibly have done! Yes, she's self-absorbed and looking for handouts, but I agree with those who said that we shouldn't want the children to suffer just because we don't like the mother. The thing I do find disturbing, though, is that she =will= get handouts and donations just because of the unusualness of her situation, while those more "normal" families who are suffering because of these hard economic times will be on their own to sink or swim.

  23. Anonymous8:26 AM

    What upsets me is that she initially had the IVF to begin with. With 6 at home already. Probably thinking in her feeble mind, I will be rich and everyone will love me. It turned out to shoot her in her back instead. Now she's stuck with all these kids & babies it is just craaaazy! I wish she would consider putting them up for adoption instead of raising them to be poverty sticken and unattended to. She is an instable mother by doing what she did and they she should consider her alternate options now. Those poor kids & babies. They didn't choose to be in that situation!

  24. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Nadya Suleman has become a hollywood whore!?!I heard rumors that she is planning making a porn movie also.I think the title is going to be "SEXto-MOM".Would you guys even buy the DVD when it gets released?

  25. A selfish bitch that tries to copy Angelina's looks and wants to be famous. Well, she achieved that status, I guess. She has a fame for being a selfish mother fucking bitch...sorry for the harsh language but I am angry

  26. Anonymous3:41 AM

    i just have to add something else to this octopuss tale. i t would be nice of her to get the mortgage of her parents home caught up since she has sponged off of them all this time. next, she should get off of that womb larve ass and clean up that house her kids and her trashed and when she gets another home"FOR THE KIDS" she needs to get a more suitable home with a yard for the kids not the beverly hillbilly style home she chose for herself. another thing. i thought the only way to remove the fathers responsibilty in this is if he is anonymous. shes collecting the sperm personaly and hightailing it to the doc. what a loophole. oh yeah! and she was offered proffessional nanny service because someone cares about these children and she hasn`t responded. she does`nt want anyone around to see her going nuts with those kids, those silly videos of her hussling around the kitchen with a big ole smile lookin like super mom or smoochin that toddler and he keeps trying to look at her as to figure out who she is. and yes, it does piss people off that she is such mona sleeza and people are buying it. it has nothing to do with the kids, i do think with cash in hand it will be all for her own foolish desires just like the choice in the new home and the kids will still suffer neglect. maybe this is why she hasn`t stood up to take care of her parents home. maybe she wants them to lose it and they will have to move in with her and continue on with the childcare weather they want to or not. now thats got to be hard for grandparents to look forward to litters of kids and not that one on one joy of being grandparents. shit. i would haul ass fast. geeez!

  27. Anonymous9:15 AM

    RE: no, everyone should donate $.01 through paypal, she will lose money due to the fee's paypal charges to receive money.

    You’re a genius!! That the best thing one could say....LMAO all the way to the paypal site.

  28. Anonymous10:17 PM

    This Bitch Is A Disgrace N Obviously A Sea Man Lover....As For Her In Porn haha Fuck That Nobody Should Fuck Her Just Let Her Do Facials.....Do Some Good For Her N Hopefully Get Her Scared Of Cock....Nadya Suleman NEEDS TO BE A LEZ.....haha Im Sorry But The Hell With This Woman I Say We Do THe .01 Donations Like The Other Guy Said N Fuck Her Anally......Let The State Take Her Kids N Put The DOG Where It Belongs.....ON THE FUCKIN CURB...... I WISH I WAS FRIENDS WITH THE TALIBAN SO THEY CAN BLOW HER THE FUCK UP.......FUCK THIS CUNT BITCH.....I AINT MAD I AINT ANGRY IM JUST BEING REAL.... THIS WOMAN HAS TAKEN NOT ONLY ADVANTAGE oF OUR COUNTRY BUT OF US ALL......N SHE EXPECTS HELP.....I'll HELP U BITCH....ITD BE MY PLEASURE TO DIG THE HOLE THERE GONNA BURY UR ASS IN......

  29. I love that people say she didn't have plastic surgery... WOW look at images from before she was pregnant and you will see a fatter nose thinner lips...

    As to a comment made by another person in her defense. I do not agree with you when you said she made a ton of money by her law-suit. She already had 6 kids and no job to pay for food for them or put clothes on her back. The money is gone and she even admitted to paying her rent and bills with her school loans. School loans are not income and she shouldn't be living off of a check given twice a month to feed 14 children.

    I don't give two cents to Nadia but I do care about those kids. I want to know how this woman has the balls to become some kind of pop-icon and do all these news interviews and shows like Dr. Phil when she doesn't have a job, is not a provider, and even had all that plastic surgery. I can't believe she is paying for lip collogen injections and a nose job - Shouldn't that kind of money and we are talking in the 1,000s to be going to her kids? How can you argue with those facts? A mother with six kids already is getting plastic surgery? Shouldn't that money be going to the kids? Even if she is receiving aid from her parents and food-stamps? Why should she get that aid if she is using her money on such frivolous things?

  30. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Take all the children from her, she is sick.

  31. Anonymous6:19 PM

    my ass would be in jail. how is she supporting herselfish ass with school loans, are we talking about financial aid? thats against the law to get that and use for oyher purposses. and when i messed up and didn`t make my payments, that student loan ghost hunted me down and it took me 10 years to repay after that interest climbed out of proportions. that just pisses me off because i know people that would love to get financial aid for schooling and its tough right now, guess this bitch could write her book on how to get government funds and use it as you see fit and with all there is out there i guess if one was inclined could live out the rest of their life with other peoples money. i guess you could say to that she did spend some money on the kids, the damn toys are stacked up the wall and that does not make you a good parent, she should donate that crap to a shelter or to children that have none. in one video she must have walked in from a shopping spree and all the kids are racing around her like roaches as she`s passing them more new packaged toys. stingy ass, give the money to the parents mortgage. babies are wonderful and a gift and also a privilege. so nadya, please to instill in those little minds your own morals of pitty and mooching and living on gov. tit.

  32. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Nadya nadya....notta notta another word about this trick! hey i'm jumping on that paypal bandwagon! dude that came up w/ that, your tha shit! and i bet some money...that broke ass bitch, it won't be to long before she is shoot'n porn and taking it in the chili ring! you can't make a hoe into a housewife:)

  33. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I would like to "donate: this advise to Nadaya:

    Stop! When will you realize that making your life a PUBLIC circus is opening yourself - and someday your children - to abuse and criticisms. You obviously like the public limelight and perhaps have hopes that you could get a reality show still to help pay the enormous bills...but don't you see that it is bringing you scorn? That everything you say and WRITE is being scrutinized? Now even your handwriting is being analyzed. You need to stop.

    Crawl into a quiet hole and hope it dies down. This is cruel to the kids you claim to be all about. They will read all this criticism of you someday and not know what to believe. It is painful for kids to her their moms called names....maybe even worse than growing up an only child!

  34. Anonymous3:41 AM

    please people give her a break. the precious little babies is adorable, help if u can,if not dont bad mouth her, give her a chance. god give ALL OF US CHANCES OVER AND OVER AND OVER so lets help her the best we can I will.have a heart and compassion for your fellowmen. God loves us all dont let a bad heart causes who ever you are miss heaven and wound up in hell. I just want to be right, and have a willing heart who are we to judge and condeem another we all have faults and skeltons not everyone knows about, put on your breastplate of rightous,and a helment of salvation; HELP PLEASE

  35. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Your comment sounds heartfelt however you and Nadya need a true reality check. When all this publicity dies down, quite a few of these children are going to be put up for adoption. That is not a good thing. By the time that happens they will be dealing with too many emotions. The help that needs to be done is for someone to wake the Nadya up that did not want to destroy these children before they were born and question why is she ok with doing that now that they are here? The love that she claims to have needs to admit that adoption NOW is the true love she should give. Now that is SALVATION!

  36. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Oh My GOODNESS!!!!! I'm sure you're all very pleased with yourselves after what you've written, and I'm sure there are even more willing to join,,, the rest of us,, however,, do live in glass houses,, and although she has made bad decisions,,, she's not a horrible mother,, not the first, or last,, to have lots of babies and to need assistance. Not some horrible monster that drove her children into a lake,, or killed them,, and "partied' for months afterward in florida.. So why so much pure hatred??? I've learned in my years here on earth,, that most people,, willing,, even eager,,, to throw stones,, are usually the most insecure with yourselves.. Leave her alone,, go hate someone who deserves it,, or better yet,, go hug your children,, spouse, siblings... or better yet,,, go call your mother,, she misses you...

  37. Anonymous8:35 AM

    this comment is to the person who "approves" these blogs... what's wrong with the comments us "regular" folks have submitted?? not nasty enough,, not enough hate>???? not enough threats against her. not enough swearing??? I was appalled to read some of these blogs,,, including the really nasty one,,, and I was even more apalled that his comment was posted,, AFTER APPROVAL,, when ,, apparantly mine wasn't worthy... I truly think it's disgraceful,, what this country,, and the people in it,,, are becoming... have a nice life... I won't be back here,, you people disgust me

  38. Really this is plain crazy, a single enemployed woman trying to raise 14 children. She is great.

  39. Nadya Suleman, the mother of the world's most famous octuplets, has inked a deal standing at nearly 250000 dollars for each of her 14 kids to star in a reality TV programme.
