
Monday, December 22, 2008

Robert Pattinson Haircut

Robert Pattinson's hair cut makes the Twilight actor look like Justin Timberlake and Jake Gyllenhaal. Robert Pattinson looks much prettier with short locks. He also has a hint of Robin Thicke chinky eyes too. He's gorgeous and his smile is perfect.

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  1. Anonymous8:59 AM


  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    he looks hideous!!!

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    He looks OLD. Like a hillbilly too!

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    holy coww..

  5. Anonymous2:29 AM

    Wow! I'll miss his old hair but if he likes it then who really cares.I do like the SECOND pic on this video!

    Watch it and read the comment!

    (Click Below)


  6. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Well actully since you can't click it just copy & paste it into the address bar!

  7. Anonymous2:32 AM

    opps1 i spelled actully not actually!

  8. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I like it a lot but I liked it before too - it has time to grow back for New Moon.

  9. Anonymous7:35 PM

    So hot. Hes good looking no matter what, so more power to him.

  10. Anonymous1:30 AM

    im happy he did it, he deserves the hype about his looks without everyone being like "OMG ITS EDWARD CULLEN!" now everyone can say "OMG LOOK ITS ROB PATTINSON!!!!" he deserves his own identity. anyways, he looks drop dead gorgeous no matter what his hair looks like ;)

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    he looks fine both ways!
    im not an obsessive fan so
    i could care less. yeah hes
    hot and i love twilight but
    im not an obsessive person so
    i dont care ! =]

  12. Anonymous4:47 PM

    hes gorgeous no matter what

  13. Anonymous10:03 PM

    His hair looks great even though he was hot to start with!!!!Me & friends LOVED his hair thats what made him HOTTTTT (yes with five t's)Now it's just HOTTTT (with four t's)But we still LUV ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love his fanpire EMILY A.K.A. The wanna be MRS.CULLEN!!!!!

  14. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Rob looked better with his sexy head of hair(sigh)! But I still LUV him, cuz hair grows back!!!!!!(yay) Can't wait to see NEW MOON!!!! I will Cry so much LOL!!!!!!TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!AND TEAM PATTINSON!!!!!!!!!LOL

  15. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Hehe!!!!! OMG WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAS LA DONE TO HIM??????He still looks HOT though so who gives a crap?!!!! But I LOVE ROB PATTINSON!!!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    still hot ok.

  17. robert pattinson is a god!!!!he will be hawt no matter what happens to his hair......he looks soooooooooooooooooooooon gorgeous still anyways!i could write a 50000000 page description on his beautifullness!!!!!! haaaaaaalllllllleeeeeellllluuuuuuujjjjjjaaaaaaahhhh!!

  18. Anonymous9:44 PM

    what happened to him to make him get the haircut??
