
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lindsay Lohan's Dad Michael Lohan's Website

Lindsay Lohan's mentally challenged and mentally disturbed father Michael Lohan has created a website in hopes of attaining fame and respect. The sad thing about all of this is that he's serious! And he feels the need to receive constant attention and praise for being an immature douchebag.


The rumors that the mentally unstable man child is dispelling with "the TRUTH!" are nothing but rumors posted on gossip blogs. Being the rocket scientist genius person that he is, Mr. Lohan assumes hat every story he reads is true, including that Lindz doesn't write blogs about him. Hey Mike, here's a hint: Lindsay Lohan hates you whether she writes her blogs or not, and she is happy to attach her name to said blog posts. Think about that for a minute and then blog about it.

Here goes most of Mike Lohan's first entry:
What this website will bring to you is the TRUTH! Facts, most of which can and will be cooperated.
Today, on TMZ, my darling daughter Lindsay was asked for a comment in response to me saying, “Samantha is on drugs!”

Lindsay’s only response was, “look at him!”

WOW! Linds, how forthright! Let me ask you; was it me who was actually pictured in the train station with a bag full of prescription drugs? Do you see me out partying with Lindsay, my other children or having raging wars with her?
Was it me who jumped out of a DJ booth and punched Lindsay when she was with Calum Best?
Did I drive Lindsay around for hours in LA until she fell asleep and before I ran low on gas only to call the paps and sell pictures to them? Uh uh!
Sure, I made mistakes, but I righted the wrongs. I continue to hold myself accountable for everything I did and continue to do! I speak the truth! I love God and I love people who speak and know the truth!
NONE of us are perfect, but we should strive to be as perfect as we can. Don’t use people, don’t lie about people, don’t bare false witness, don’t be envious or jealous and certainly don’t LIE!

Remember, God is the TRUTH (John 14:6) and the devil is a liar (John 8:44). So you have two choices, represent God (the Truth) or the devil (a liar).

More from Mikey Lohan:
The tabloids and other blogs discuss some of the same things we will. But in most cases, don't even investigate the things they report.

So, if you want The Real Story and you want to have a voice and hear the Truth, I invite you to join in.
I never thought I'd say this, but shouldn't Michael Lohan get a stalker? Any takers? I hate this man that much and I'm not calling him Mike Lohan, either. He's just trying to distance himself from the negative public perception that he creates. Try again, and for fug's sake, dress like you're in the 21st century.

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