
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jamie Spears Pay, Raise for Conservatorship


Jamie Spears will be paid $50,ooo in back pay and he was also granted office space that Britney has to pay $1,200 a month for, but that's not all! Britney also has to pay her brother Bryan Spears $200K for services he rendered prior to the time the conservatorship was established. Also, lawyer bills are approaching $1 million.

Papa Spears got a raise and he will now make $16,125 a month instead of $10,000 a month. Jamie Spears went back to court to milk his cash cow claiming that he has done additional work for Britney besides controlling her every move. His duties include planning her upcoming tour.

Britney should just reconcile with Daddy Dude to save her wallet. I would want my father to ask me for money directly, not take it to court. You know Papa Spears went into court airing footage from the Britney Spears documentary claiming his her chef, too, cause he be makin' his baby cheese grits.


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