
Monday, December 22, 2008

Courtney Cox Quote Divorce is Not an Option


Courtney Cox said, It’s so easy to grow apart; marriage takes work. I suppose you can work it out by talking to each other - I would just prefer to have a referee, it reminds us why we’re together. Before my dad died, he said one of his big regrets was that he hadn’t worked on their marriage enough. I don’t know what the future’s going to hold, but divorce isn’t really an option.

What's with all the celebs saying divorce is not an option? I mean I get it. It's a good thing to live by. I am especially happy for Coco Cox-Arquette who will not have to deal with divorce drama. I just want to know why it's a necessary thing to say. If you aren't getting a divorce, then why talk about it? I know why Will Smith does.

Rumors have been swirling around for a while that Jada and Will swing with other couples, and that they both hook up with men and women. That's alleged of course, but it brings new light to why Will Smith finds it necessary to say he will never get a divorce.

Could this be the case for Courtney? I hope not. David and her's marriage is hard enough with Jen Aniston always trying to crash the party.


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Courtney Cox possesses an under-appreciated beauty i think
