
Monday, February 19, 2007

Wow! Akon Is Proud To Be "Special"

I am SO appalled. Akon is from Africa, why doesn't he say there's no AIDS in Africa too?
Akon is currently the proud owner of a diamond mine in South Africa and is remarkably matter-of-fact about his acquisition.

"I don't even believe in conflict diamonds," he announces. "That's just a movie. Think about it. Ain't nobody thought about nothing about no conflict diamonds until the movie came out.

Where was all that shit before the movie? That's the problem with people - they believe everything they read or see on TV."

He slaps my knee and emits a hearty laugh. He's getting excited. "It's no different from The Blair Witch Project. Everybody thought that was real. That campaign and marketing was incredible. After that, they're getting Oscars.

Unless you go to Sierra Leone and see what's going down, don't believe everything you're reading or see on TV. Trust me."
Apparently, Akon has conducted extensive research in Sierra Leone and can confirm that there's no such thing as conflict diamonds. Well done and mad props!

source, pic source

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