
Monday, November 13, 2006

Kevin Federline Is Grasping For Straws

... grasping for coins.
KEVIN Federline has come up with new way to make money now that Britney Spears has derailed his gravy train and crowds are staying away in droves from his $20 concerts.

Fed-ex, who made a cool $2 million selling home videos for the show "Chaotic," is trying to sell footage from cameras he installed in his car. "I actually got a surveillance system put in my truck, so I'm recording everything," Federline told XM's "Top 20 on 20" show.

"The paparazzi turn into a pack of wolves . . . I got some pretty funny video footage of them just tripping all over themselves like dominos."
We care because?! I feel so sorry for this dumbass. He's ridiculous. Federsperm should just cut to the chase and start selling his sperm. Every sterile woman will suddenly become knocked up with twins. He could make millions.


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